Whoa, I haven’t done this in a long time and to be honest it’s sort of because I lost my love of blogging for a while but lately, I’ve been feeling so different. So excited. So pumped for all of this change that has been happening. Tell me you feel it too.
There’s a lot of change that I’ve been feeling. I think we’ve all been feeling it with Covid, but this started for me the summer before so I will back this story up to October 2019.
I went to a summit hosted by wellness guru, Sophie Jaffe and there was a speaker there who actually changed my life although I didn’t know it that day. His name was Shaman Durek and I had never heard a Shaman speak before. He closed his eyes as the words poured out of him. We closed our eyes as he said things like “tickle to 1,000” repeatedly and some of the members of the audience began to laugh like they could feel what he was saying. I watched intrigued, but admittedly felt like a bit of an outsider because him saying ‘tickle to 5,000’ made me feel no different than ‘tickle to 1,000’ and others clearly felt it.
He also spoke to us normally which I fully got. I wrote some of it feverishly in my notes on my phone and was delighted that I still had them. Hurray iCloud!
One thing he said that I clearly remember with no notes at all is, “the age of narcissism is going to be over in 2 years. He said “That means Instagram is leaving so you will have to see what kind of connection you are really building. The age of new development is coming.”

I can’t believe time has gone this quickly, but if he’s right we have until Fall / October before Instagram falls apart as we know it.
From the moment I heard him say that, I took it as a sign (also I get goosebumps even if it’s 100 degrees out when my spirit guides have something to confirm and my goosebumps were on fire this day) that I should focus more on building a community and offering value over time, effort and emotions spent on Instagram. With that, my blog wasn’t updated as much either because I wan’t taking ‘Instagram worthy photos’ all the time and I felt like fitness and wellness was simply easier to share as quick stories with one-off grid pics and descriptive captions. However, I still wanted to build community and help that community in my own way and needed to figure out how I could be of service no matter what the algorithm thought of my sporadic posting schedule.
Just today I saw that I wrote something down in my notes that day that feels like it was written by my future self because I very well could have written that today. “I was feeding in to capitalism but it’s really stripped down about your connection to yourself and the basics… sleep, love, water. When you are in alignment with love you can manifest anything.”

I didn’t have a manifestation practice when i wrote that in 2019 or even know for sure manifestation was possible; it was definitely a note to my future self. Now, I’ve been manifesting actively for about a year. It began with a girl’s trip to Colorado where we did some mushrooms and made vision boards (more on that later). Some eerie things on that board came true already. See left. I put a woman rock climbing thinking ‘I would love to rock climb one day.’ I later booked a sponsored post where I needed to get on a climbing machine and demonstrate how to use it. My photographer, Kara looked at the vision board an hour or so after we shot the climbing post and pointed out that the woman rock climbing was in the same position as me, wearing the same outfit and there was even a device cord in both images. Even our shoes are similar! Lesson learned about manifestation is that, similar to prayer, you don’t always get exactly what you want, but different from prayer (in my experience), you will get what you convincingly tell the universe you are ready for.

Fast forward to now-ish. About a month ago I got a ping from the universe (goosebumps) while listening to a podcast and I knew it meant that I needed the host to be my life/career coach and help me build that ‘something of value’ I so badly want to give. It’s been in my body waiting to come out and I knew this woman would know how to help. Knowing she will be worth the investment, I vowed to give up shopping (again) while I am working with her to offset the investment I am making in coaching.
I knew it was the right thing to do, but it was not an easy decision because I genuinely LOVE fashion even though I don’t blog about it anymore… you can only have so many topics, amirite?
I made that decision to not shop on May 20th and hired my coach then on May 24th I got a freaking email from Revolve. I’ve been dreaming of working with them for YEARS. I told myself all the things about how I wasn’t ‘fashion enough’ but I love their activewear, loungewear and real adult clothes so much I couldn’t shake the need to I guess have validation that I’m worthy of collaborating with them. May 24th, 4 days after I tell the universe I will not buy clothes… Revolve reaches out and wants me to share a few pieces on this blog!
Now, I know that’s maybe a frivolous thing to manifest and I’ll tell you, it wasn’t intentional. This wasn’t put on my vision board while I was on mushrooms. It was the universe proving to me that anything you dream is possible and I think that is what is worth sharing here. I hope you all know that. Your thoughts do become your reality so be careful what you think.
*Thank you to Revolve for providing the clothes for this outfit. I’ll be wearing it all Summer.