If you’re following along on Instagram, you’ve probably seen that we were recently in Maui. Apologies for the upload overload, but it is too beautiful not to share! We went with Kaare’s company because he got awarded President’s Club this year. I’m so proud of all of his hard work and going to Maui with him makes those long days (and often, nights) running things at home solo so much easier to stomach. Post-trip my attitude has changed to ‘oh, you need to work late aaaagain? GREAT! Maui…GET IT!’
For some, with vacation comes fantasizing about vacation outfits and I vowed to spend this year not shopping so I was in a bit of a pickle. A real big ‘first-class problem’ pickle, but a pickle none the less. Given my “predicament” I decided to use Rent the Runway Unlimited to supplement my perceived lack of vacation appropriate clothes. More on the outfits along with links below for those interested and for those who aren’t I’ve got some fun snaps for you anyway!

Here’s a shot from his President’s Club Award dinner. I rented this red Summer dress which was so comfortable and flowy. It was hot/humid while we were there and I was glad I was wearing this because it is very light and has the prettiest open back. Below is the sunset from that night. The sunsets were almost my favorite part.
But my actual favorite part was swimming with turtles! We had the opportunity to swim with them once before and both of us really enjoyed it so this time, we made a point to make it happen as much as we could. We went snorkeling at Molokini where we saw the reef and loads of colorful fish. At one point, I was surrounded by 5 sea turtles and I was so happy I thought my heart might explode from joy (that’s a real medical condish, right?). Of course, I didn’t bring our GoPro, but I doubt I will ever forget anything about that moment so it’s okay … *possibly lying to myself. Luckily, we also swam with turtles there and right off of our hotel and while there weren’t 5, they were equally chill and truly awesome.

We went to Maui Wines and had their pineapple wine. I forgot my phone (are you noticing a pattern here?!) I don’t have pictures of the winery becuase I took almost all the pictures from the trip on my phone (except the GoPro shots) but highly recommend going if you’re there just so you can see the beautiful grounds and try pineapple wine if you haven’t yet. I wore this flowy top with jeans and sandals I already had. P.S. One unexpected benefit of vacationing without kids is it affords you the opportunity to wear white jeans! Gunnar would have these covered in who-knows-what if I wore them around him!
You may recognize this suit from Instagram if you follow @wearlively. Yes, they came out this year. I received this one as a gift from them and while I’ve been pretty good at graciously declining or donating gifts received this year, this brand’s mission of supporting and uplifting women with wild hearts and boss brains is something close to my heart and I love working with them. If you’re into the same things and you find something you like, use code AMB-bethann.wagner2 for $10 off!
Okay, this color block dress was my favorite. Under any other circumstances, I would have bought it even though I know I won’t have many places to wear it back home in LA where my life mostly consists of chasing around my two kids. I just love the color and fit (plenty of room for hiding too much Loco Moco), but most of all it just screamed Summer!
We took a boat to Molokini to snorkle. It’s a bit of a journey, but SO much fun. We all took turns trying to dive off of the boat which sort of gave me a headache, but it was worth it. I wore this suit from last year, of course. The color I linked is the closest I can find and the good news is – it is on sale! I love this suit so much, I wish I ordered more colors before I banned myself from shopping for the year. The quality is fantastic and I get so many compliments on it, but the best part is I never have to worry about it riding up even though my butt is a little bigger than it was last year… thanks squats. 😉
On our last night, which happened to be Mother’s Day, we went to Spago. It was my first time and I wasn’t sure what to expect and sort of half anticipated it not living up to its amazing reputation. It did not disappoint. The curry was the best curry I’ve ever had. I only wish I didn’t eat SO MANY appetizers so I had more room for curry! It was an amazing Mother’s Day with my boo, to say the least. Very unlike a typical Mother’s Day, but the stars aligned and we happened to be in Maui so I took FULL advantage of pool time, cocktails and uninterrupted meals. I wore this white lace dress (also from RTR, obvi).
Rosé and sunsets with these hardworking men and their beautiful (and equally hard working) wives is not a bad way to spend the evening! So grateful to have met these lovely people upon moving to LA and although I moved here with only one friend (not pictured because she moved to Atlanta last year!) I couldn’t imagine my life without these new ones.
Do you have any vacations or mini-getaways in store this Summer?