You are what you eat, and that old adage couldn’t be truer than when it comes to your skin. I went to see Registered Dietician Jeff Rothschild to ask him all my skin care questions and his prescription was easier to digest than I anticipated.
Rx 1: Sleep. When we don’t get enough sleep, we don’t give our skin time to regenerate cells. Lack of sleep can also increase cortisol which will wreak havoc on the skin. Rothschild says most of us can use more sleep and had all the tips when I told him I simply do no get tired at night.
1. Get blue glasses or blue screens for your laptop. There are a bunch of really cute glasses to choose from — I ended up deciding on these after seeing one of my MAJOR mom crushes in them. The obviously don’t need to be cute, but do make sure they block blue light so that you don’t block your body’s natural melatonin creation.
2. Take melatonin: Years of looking at screens at night, a post-dinner glass of wine or too much caffeine (*guilty of all three) can all disrupt natural melatonin. Sometimes we need a supplement to help lull us in to a natural REM. I’ve been taking HUM Melatonin for almost a year and along with skin care products applied before bed it has definitely helped me get to bed on time and wake up feeling refreshed and renewed.
Rx: 2 Eat Oysters. Shellfish are among the most nutritious foods you can eat. Rothschild calls them ‘nature’s multi-vitamin’ for good reason. They contain more zinc than any other food on the planet and they’re full of protein, vitamins A, E, and C, iron, calcium, selenium, vitamin B12 and Omega-3. Omega-3 can be tricky to get in to your diet if like me, you don’t eat oysters weekly, but it’s so important to good skin because regulating oil production to boost hydration and prevent acne, and by delaying the aging process. If your current diet may be leaving you a little low in Omega-3 it may be time for a supplement like OMG! Omega.

After taking this for a month I noticed a HUGE difference especially in the health of my scalp which was previously dry and somewhat irritated. I’m having to wash my hair more often now (thanks, oil) which is an adjustment, but I’ll take it for shiny, healthy hair and scalp.
Rx 3: Eat Liver. Liver is high in vitamin A, a fat-soluble vitamin that’s beneficial for eye health, skin health and cellular turnover. Liver is also high in iron which makes it crucial for energy production. More energy is always a good thing especially if we are using a little of it to exercise which has so many benefits of which a natural, healthy glow is just one. I am not a red meat person at all, I haven’t eaten it regularly since I was 10, but am honestly going to start sneaking cow liver in to my diet because I am open to all of the benefits it has for our skin and overall health.
Rx 4: Eat your fruits and veggies. Fruits and veggies are powerful detoxifiers and can help clear the toxins from your body, reduce inflammation and clear up your skin issues, like acne. Pairing your green juice with an all-natural skincare routine can help get you closer to that lit-from-within glow. I’d also consider adding a supplement like Glow Sweet Glow if you have trouble consuming enough produce because it has vitamin C which is primarily found in fruits and vegetables. Another HUGE beneficial ingredient it has in it is hyaluronic acid in it which will plump your skin so much you will not be able to stop taking it once you start. Believe me, I’ve been on Glow Sweet Glow for 2+ years now and while I still swear by Hyaluronic acid applied under cream in my beauty routine, but anything you put in your body will usually do more good than topical treatments. Also, it tastes good as hell.
Wearing: Aviator Nation sweatpants and sports bra c/0