I mentioned on Instagram recently that I partnered with the AeroTrainer® exercise platform #sponsored, and now I want to go a little more in-depth because I needed an explanation when I first saw it. Also, I put together a few core exercises that I think you guys will love. Okay, so first, what is this? The AeroTrainer is an ergonomically contoured, 2-sided, and inflatable exercise platform. As you can see, it has a concave seat and convex back, so you can exercise several muscles at the same time or use it combined with gravity to stretch like you never have before. After a long bike ride, I love to lay back on it with the concave part facing up and stretch my spine. I got it to stretch but why I love it most is for core workouts. Many of you know (because I write about it all the time) I used to teach abs classes when I was a Group Exercise instructor (this is about 12 years ago now). I am still pretty much obsessed with core work for a LOT of reasons…spoiler: #abgoals are on there (I’m human!), but aesthetics are last on the list.
We have a total of 29 core muscles, and you better believe that they are not just for looking like a snack in a bikini. These are the absolute most important muscles in our bodies because they are responsible in part for just about every functional and endurance move you can think of. Basically, the core is the body’s stabilization system and has to be functioning optimally to effectively utilize the strength, power, and muscular endurance so no matter how low you are squatting, how heavy you are going, or how much you increase your distance training, a weak core could be holding you back from reaching your PR. Get a stronger core, and suddenly you are jumping higher, sprinting faster, more protected from injury, and even sitting in a chair typing blog posts better (just me?)… thanks, better posture!

How do you work the core without adding a lot of time to your workout regime? Here’s where anatomy comes in. The core includes 4 groups: the front abdominals, side abdominals, back trunk muscles, and the transverse muscles. I like anything that helps you work them all at once or at least a big portion of them at the same time because, hello… we all need to save time. Here’s what I recommend you do on the AeroTrainer in
a short period of time (10 min max) to strengthen your core:
Plank: This one is tried and true, and you just need to do them even though they’re not that exciting because they’re super effective for activating the internal oblique muscles. Do it on your forearms on the concave part, and then add some variations when you are ready, like single-legged plank and the next exercise.
Side plank: This works the obliques along with the gluteus medius and gluteus maximus to stabilize the hips. Good obliques go a long way both in that they look great, but most importantly that it is a huge muscle group that, when strong, provides immense stabilization.
Mountain climber: I can’t stress how beneficial these are enough. It’s basically a full-body exercise for the shoulders, hamstrings, core, triceps, quads, and core. Add 40 reps 2-3 times a few times a week and tell me your shoulders and lower abs aren’t on fire.
Bilateral leg raise: This will work primarily the rectus abdominis (the ‘6-pack’ in the front) but what I like about it is that it puts an emphasis on the lower core, which you won’t get with something like crunches. You can lie on the AeroTrainer on your back or sit up and fire your quads to perform these.
Superwoman/Superman: This works the obliques and rectus abdominis and has the added benefit of working the lower back. Do these on the concave side of the AeroTrainer. Incorporate variations like alternating arms and legs (some call it ‘swimming’) to recruit different muscle groups and give yourself more of a challenge.
*Huge thank you to AeroTrainer for sponsoring this post.