If you said EmSculpt to me 7 days ago I would have thought you were talking about a new workout class. As it would turn out, this is better than a workout class. This is 416 workout classes in about 30 minutes. An exaggeration? Perhaps not. EmSculpt when worn on the backside, simulates 20,000 squats. On squat day let’s say you do 4 sets of 12 squats for a total of 48 squats. You would need 416.6 workouts to get to 20,000 squats. I believe myself to be about half way there and I am a Certified Personal Trainer in my thirties (read: I have been working out consistently for a LONG time) who LOVES squat day! It’s just that when we workout we exert between 40-60% of our total energy. The remaining energy is always reserved for survival and really only used when survival is compromised. That’s why you hear stories of moms who rip off car doors to save their children after a car crash. They used their energy reserves to survive. Sadly, we can’t tap in to that on squat day. Needless to say, EmSculpt is efficient AF and I needed to try it.
I visited Modern Esthetics in the beautiful Cure Wellness Spa in Malibu for my treatment. I wanted to try EmSculpt because despite doing regular booty-building workouts with weights, I haven’t seen a physical change in years and I wanted to see if EmSculpt really moved the needle (no actual needles involved).
They had me lay on my stomach and they hooked up these little paddles that looked like they’d be used for resuscitation during a much more important medical emergency. There was one paddle on each cheek which was held to my derrière with what seemed like a belly bandit. Anyone with kids know what I mean! Next, they used a machine to send currents through the palettes and the currents went straight to my bum. It felt like contractions but not as painful or as long. I went to 85% then 90% of what the machine could do. I love beauty but 100% seemed unnecessary I’ve already had contractions delivering 2 kids and that was worth is because I got kids in the end, but this… we shall see. After the procedure I felt like I had a great yoga-based workout, but wasn’t tired. You don’t get sore from this because the machine also helps take your lactic acid away.
It takes a few weeks to see your results and they do suggest you do 4 treatments within 2 weeks to see the maximum results. I can’t tell yet, but if there is more muscle and less fat in my caboose after one treatment I will be signing up for regular EmSculpt sessions but only after I win the lottery because a single treatment can range from $700-$1500. At least I got to try my hand at the Kim K. lifestyle for a day!